> Project Design, Proposal Writing and Fundraising:​
Translate a project idea into a project proposal
Come up with possible project funding sources
Liaise with stakeholders in project idea initiation and fundraising initiatives
> Coordination and Project Managing
Create a Master Plan
Organize a team
Define milestones
Brand the project
> Communication and Marketing Advice​
How STEAM represent the innovative spirit of your company or organisation
How STEAM projects creates a positive vibe for your business
How STEAM projects produce opportunities for new partnerships and relations with local communities
MatheMagic wil de perceptie van wiskunde bij jongeren veranderen en lostrekken van “rekenen”, “bewijsvoering”, “hoofdrekenen”... Tijdens de MatheMagic ateliers leggen wij nadruk op de mogelijkheden tot creativiteit en design. Wij selecteren wiskundige onderwerpen die niet focussen op snelheid en nauwkeurigheid maar wel op intuïtie, observatie en verlaten de gebaande paden van de wiskunde. In de sessies vertalen jongeren wiskundige principes, met digitale fabricagetechnieken en diverse materialen, naar artistieke werkjes.
WAQ ZOMERKAMP 2016, '17, '18, '19, '20 en '21
Since 2016 we organize yearly days of playful learning, designing and building during the last week of the summer holidays.
This year (2021) it wil be a five-day STEAM week for pupils living in the WijkAntennedeQuartier (WAQ) in Molenbeek.
We gladly invited you at the closing event (@15u00) on Friday 27th of August 2021 in the Liverpoolstraat!
SKILLSLAB/digital storytelling for refugees summer 2020
SkillsLab is a project that aims to offer newcomers and unaccompanied minor refugees a solid step towards digital literacy. SkillsLab's workshops are at the heart of the project and should provide participants with a basis for their further school and professional careers. Finally, with SkillsLab we want to lead participants to technical and scientific directions and make technical professions more attractive. We are convinced that, in the light of technological progress, people with a STEM profile and the desire for lifelong learning can make a difference in the labour market.
D-Art - Digital Art 2019/20
D-Art (Digital Art) focuses on learning youngsters to process all kinds of data into an artistic work (coding). This data is captured in their living environment with self-designed devices and / or supplied by (government) services of all kinds.
By coding these data, they appear in a work of art, in the form of colorful lines, light objects, soundscapes, 3D models ....With this method young people better understand the relevance of coding. Try-out at Sint Lukas KSO en DKO (2020).
Beelden atelier op 17 februari
Beelden atelier op 5 maart
Beelden atelier op 11 maart
5-HOEK ism stad Brussel is a contemporary form of "Digital Storytelling" in which young people explore the urban space using interview techniques and different cameras. It is a cross-medial project. The result are short street interviews that can be consulted on location using smartphone and QR codes.This project is funded by the city of Brussels and is an initiative of the aldermen responsable for "Nederlandstalige aangelegenheden".
Project started in 2019.
During the Parcours KANAL, young people will scan the neighbourhood in downtown Brussels and capture street ART with 360 ° camera's (FaceBook link). Technicians and artists provide the guidance. Participants assemble the images into 360 ° videos. We started working with youngsters in March 2019.
2018 and 2019
Alfabeta is a workplace for contemporary theater integrating science, technology and art.
Alfabeta is a mix of art and poetry (α) with authentic scientific expertise and innovative technology (β). In 2018 we organized the premiere of the "Slinger Fuga", a performance about the work of Huygens/Galileo. During the I LOVE SCIENCE FESTIVAL 2019 we presented the "Newton machine". An experimental production based upon the laws of gravity described by Isaac Newton.
A summerkamp aiming at young people that focuses on aerospace.
Technology, scientific principles and job opportunities were central.
Amongst other things, a visit to the cargo and passenger hall of Zaventem was on the program. The week was festively concluded with the launch of home-made gunpowder packed rockets.
TECHNOGRIETEN/since 2013, 2014 and 2015
This after school STEAM activity was exclusive for girls (up to 12 years). The ateliers involved handling tools, understanding technical principles, such as levers and gears, and discovering technology in our daily lives. The workshops focused on the discovery of their own talents and learning new digital skills.
A series of youth workshops linked to design and development in collaboration with the mobile fablab (fabrication laboratory) STEAMachine. The goal is to give children and their parents an authentic experience in the Morres furniture&lifestyle
shopping center. We had our first session in October 2018.
About Me
Wim Van Broeck has a Master Degree in Media Studies and European Leisure Studies. Starting his career as science officer at the Free University of Brussels, developing youth projects aimed at primary and secondary education. From Fundraising, over networking and communication to translating scientific principles into playful and successful learning trajectories.
Since 2015, he started working as a freelancer with, inter alia, Erasmushogeschool, Gluon vzw, BOZAR, KANAL Centre Pompidou, Ensemble Leporello and Junior Mthombeni (KVS Brussels), introducing an artistic dimension to the scientific content of his projects.
In 2018 he founded STEAMWorks, to develop his talents in a independent way, building further on his extensive
network and offering his creative and organisational expertise to a broader market.